Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Boosting Enthusiasm

With so much of a focus on testing, data, assessments, and accountability, it can drag even the most positive teachers down.  What can we do on a daily basis to keep our enthusiasm up?  

We can...
*Learn to listen to a child tell all about a wonderful new book he or she is reading...
*Ask a child how he or she is feeling after being sick.  This interest will help them connect with us even more...
*Be grateful when students ask you if you will eat lunch with them...
*Be thankful when students show enthusiasm for a lesson you are teaching.
*Appreciate when students laugh at something you say (I guess I'm not that dry after all...) 
*Listen to students when they share their problems with you, and offer your support...
*Give students sincere smiles and positive words...
*Provide lots of time for authentic learning through read aloud, independent reading, cooperative group work, and thoughtful independent work...
*Communicate honestly with students about your expectations so your day will run smoothly...
*Praise students and give specific feedback when possible so as to reinforce behaviors that are desired...
*Realize that children are the reason why we are doing this job...
*Understand that teaching is a unique profession, and not everyone is called to do it...we are blessed...
*Realize that tomorrow is another day to accomplish more...
*Know that our presence makes a difference...
*Trust that our efforts are indeed worth the time and energy we put forth each day...
*Know that kids deserve the best we can give them, and keep focusing on keeping it real, every day.

I need to reflect on many of these reminders each and every day.


  1. We all need these reminders - especially this time of the year.

  2. Thank you. I needed this reminder of all I do and all I can continue to do, especially this week before spring break and the week after round 1 of our state testing. We do make a difference.

  3. I feel like I should hang this in the teacher's lounge. We all need a little pick-me-up, especially at this time of the year. Thanks for your positive message. :)
